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Комментарии к анкетам

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Администрация, увы не всевидящая, а пользователям в анкетах высказываться запрещено правилами. Если Вы увидели какие-то недочеты, что пропустили проверяющие - смело пишите об этом в данную тему.
Никто никого за это не съест.



Уважаемые горячо любимые, родные, милые, ненаглядные, котятки мои админы.)
Вчера перечитал анкету Эмуса и заметил мааааленькую ошибку. Это уже обсуждалось, но как-то замялось. В принципе оно не особо важно, но мне на глаз попалось и если уж есть такая тема, то почему бы не написать?)

14 (1.12.1999)

Четырнадцатилетние родились в 1998 году.



Так год в игре так и не проставился *вяло* Эмус и рад бы, но год у нас какой? Месяц - март, а год?



Год выставлен, ребятки



Сейчас март 11го года, т.е. лет столько, сколько исполнилось в декабре 10го, чтобы в декабре 10го исполнилось 14 надо родиться в 2010-14=1996 году. Нет? Так что упс, не 1998 никак.
Я ошибся в подсчете? Я вообще мог
Если нет, прошу поменять мне в анкете год на 1996, и Рицке - тоже, потому что про г.р. 1997 ему сейчас 13 с небольшим



Emus-ainu Abe

У Рицки год не прописан, его не трогаю. Вам поменял.



Я долго кружил вокруг этой темы, но в последней анкете есть момент, который меня очень волнует.

Дело в том, что я тоже вижу в персонаже Estel' del' Rei МС.)
Причина не в цвете глаз (в конце концов, глаза у некоторых людей меняют цвет на совершенно противоположный, а у девушки цвет один и меняются только оттенки), но вот в этих строчках характера:

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Характер человека девочка может определить практически с одного взгляда, причем настолько точно, что почти сразу способна дать ему емкую и лаконичную характеристику.

Это как раз сверхспособность.) По-хорошему, единственные люди, которые на это способны (во всяком случае, производить подобное впечатление на очевидцев) - это экстрасенсы и восточные мудрецы. То есть те, которые так или иначе достиг просветления.)
Безусловно, и простой смертный способен быстро составить верное впечатление о человеке. Если он, например, является хорошим психологом с не одним годом практики.) Но девочка пятнадцати лет, которая, к тому же, не считает нужным уделять внимание учёбе?
Скажите мне, пожалуйста, что я всё понимаю слишком буквально и вы имели в виду умение составить первое, пусть и не полное, впечатление о человеке, а фраза "настолько точно" просто неудачно выбрана. У вас в анкете достаточно случаев неверного выбора слов, поэтому я могу надеяться.)

И, раз уж я сюда зашёл, хочу посоветовать: внимательнее следите за пунктуацией при однородных членах и не злоупотребляйте кавычками.)



Aoyagi Seimei
На самом деле все зависит от характера человека. Возьмем ту же соционику, которой все так увлеклись в последнее время? Тип характера Тель  и хорошая интуиция (которая прошу заметить должна отличать любого Бойца!), позволяют давать ей подобное. Разве нет? Или у вас и на это есть вполне себе "против"?
То есть к примеру вы, в жизни, не можете определять характер людей? и у вас не было таких знакомых..? Уверена, что были. Задумайтесь, кстати.
Психологи - это уже люди, социально адаптированные, и у них все идет на уровне логики и опыта, у Тель же интуиция.

А на счет пунктуации прошу "тыкнуть" мне пальцем, не вижу. Конкретный пример, пожалуйста. Когда покажете, исправлю и буду предельно внимательна.
А еще хочу  лишние кавычки увидеть, покажите, пожалуйста, все ошибки. Хочу исправляться.по анкете, разумеется)



Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

То есть к примеру вы, в жизни, не можете определять характер людей? и у вас не было таких знакомых..? Уверена, что были. Задумайтесь, кстати.

С первого взгляда узнать всё о человеке? Нет, не могу. И знакомые мои не могут. И не пытайтесь разбудить во мне паранойю.)
Видите ли, тут дело не в самой способности разбираться в людях, а в её, м, масштабах. Фраза построена так, что я понял её следующим образом: с первого же взгляда Эстель способна узнать о человеке столько, сколько могут не знать и его друзья, знакомые с ним не первый год. В своём предыдущем комментарии я спросил (возможно, излишне витиевато): я правильно понял или вы имели в виду просто умение разбираться в людях?

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Психологи - это уже люди, социально адаптированные, и у них все идет на уровне логики и опыта, у Тель же интуиция.

О том и речь: на мой взгляд, это чересчур интуиция.) Ну, что-то вроде прорицателей по уровню.

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

А на счет пунктуации прошу "тыкнуть" мне пальцем, не вижу. Конкретный пример, пожалуйста. Когда покажете, исправлю и буду предельно внимательна.


Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Эстель закончились подписанным разрешением, горьким вздохом отца, и поцелуем благодарной дочери.

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Вместе с ним  они прошли огонь, воду, и медные трубы.

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Девушка любит внимание, и начинает нервничать, если не получает его в должной

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Тех, в ком не видит соперников, и чьего  расположения предполагает добиться,

Здесь запятые при однородных перед "и" не нужны. Даже если это опечатки, то четыре однотипных штуки на такой маленький текст - повод задуматься.)

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

А еще хочу  лишние кавычки увидеть, покажите, пожалуйста, все ошибки.

Мне лень цитировать, учитывая, что кавычек у вас в анкете много, а лишние - все.) Кроме тех двух или трёх пар, в которые заключены цитаты.

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Хочу исправляться.по анкете, разумеется)

Если хотите, я могу чуть позже и другие ваши ошибки разобрать. Но тут роль играет только ваше желание: ошибки незначительные и то, что их пропустят, не будет не только смертельным, но даже просто хоть сколько-нибудь важным.)



Aoyagi Seimei
Хочу. Очень хочу, чтобы мне показали все. Иначе не к чему стремится.
К тому же, учитывая что предыдущие анкеты приняли без всяких замечаний, а в иных ошибок гораздо больше, в том числе и смысловых (не поленилась, прочитала)
Считаю что  либо вы сразу подняли планку для меня, признав мою анкету сильной, либо напротив сочли бездарной.



А по теме:
"практически с одного взгляда" - не кажется ли вам, что этим все сказано? Оборот речи, если хотите. Не хотите, тогда гипербола. А вообще я бы и так это не назвала, первое слово все объясняет.

А про кавычки я хочу услышать про все, если вам не лень.



Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

"практически с одного взгляда" - не кажется ли вам, что этим все сказано? Оборот речи, если хотите. Не хотите, тогда гипербола. А вообще я бы и так это не назвала, первое слово все объясняет.

"Практически" - это со второго взгляда? С первой встречи? Это вас не оправдывает.)
И да, мне всё-таки больше интересно услышать не про объём времени (который, в принципе, может растянуться до нескольких дней), а про, м, качество этого понимания личности человека.)

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

А про кавычки я хочу услышать про все, если вам не лень.

В предыдущем сообщении я сказал, что лень.)
Но, в общем-то, могу это устроить - через пару часов.

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Считаю что  либо вы сразу подняли планку для меня, признав мою анкету сильной, либо напротив сочли бездарной.

Я не являюсь членом админ-состава и впервые комментирую анкету с этого форума.) Перепутал вас с другим игроком, прочёл, впечатлился процитированной в первом сообщении строчкой и откомментировал.)
У меня высокая планка для всех, но - напоминаю, я не являюсь членом админ-состава - на эту планку с чистой совестью можно не обращать внимания.)
Вашу анкету я не считаю ни бездарной, ни, простите, сильной. Мне разве что пункт "Любит" понравился.)

Отредактировано Aoyagi Seimei (2012-10-12 20:06:41)



Aoyagi Seimei
Это меня не оправдывает, потому что я не оправдываюсь, а не потому что не права.
Это значит что Тель в используя логику с интуицией, легко складывает карточки мозаики в одной целое. Примечает когда человек врет, и для чего он это делает. В моем окружении такие люди есть,  и вполне себе счастливо живут. это не значит что они не ошибаются. Это значит что делают они это гораздо реже чем все остальные.

А прощать не прощу, ибо не за что.
А моя планку я знаю,  и вы теперь тоже.  И то что вы все поняли, я знаю)



Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

Это значит что Тель в используя логику с интуицией, легко складывает карточки мозаики в одной целое. Примечает когда человек врет, и для чего он это делает.

Для того чтобы складывать карточки мозаики в одно, нужны хотя бы эти самые карточки.) Хорошо, я не против. Тогда возвращаемся ко времени. "Практически с первого взгляда" - это, допустим, неделя.) За этот промежуток времени можно и не успеть солгать.
Впрочем, в вашем изложении это выглядит гораздо верибельнее, чем мне показалось из анкеты; думаю, на этом разговор можно закончить.)

Estel' del' Rei написал(а):

А моя планку я знаю,  и вы теперь тоже.  И то что вы все поняли, я знаю)

Если честно, я даже не понял, что именно я должен был понять.)
Впрочем, не считаю это важным.



Aoyagi Seimei
стесняюсь спросить, что значит "верибельный"?
(ни гугль, ни яндекс, ни рамблер, ни всевозможные толковые словари никакого ответа мне не дали...к сожалению)



Этот комментарий я посвящу Ito Ayumi.
Я тут почитал всю вашу с Йоши болтологию... И мне прямо-таки смешно стало. Особенно над объяснением №8.
Ito Ayumi, не поймите меня не правильно, но я реально впал в ступор от Вашего пояснения.
Вы серьезно считаете, что Жертва "на нервах" разорвет Связь и останется незащищенной?..
Если Вы были такой хорошей ученицей и все сенсеи души в Вас не чаяли, думаете было бы не заметно, что у Вас серьезные разлады в Паре? Как правило за лучшими Парами наблюдают вдвое пристальней - они ж "наше светлое будущее" (тут должны быть фанфары, да.)
Да и потом, видя, как такой знатный, богатый, умный Боец не подчиняется, Жертва бы вывернулась наизнанку, но прогнула бы его под себя. Уговорами, ласками, в конце концов, - жестокостью. Но подчинила бы. У нас перед глазами пример. Канонный, между прочим. Соби и Сеймей. Там даже Имени одного не было, а блоков столько наставлено и так вымуштрован, что не то, что по словам, по щелчку пальцами исполнял приказы.



Прошу прощения Нагиса-сенсей просит просит прощения, лол
Я, собственно, тоже по поводу анкеты Аюми. Ни разу не влезаю в дискуссию по поводу верю-не верю, просто влезу с уточнением, что преподаватель психологии взаимоотношений Пар.



Sagan Nagisa написал(а):

Ни разу не влезаю в дискуссию по поводу верю-не верю, просто влезу с уточнением, что преподаватель психологии взаимоотношений Пар.

Если я вас правильно понял, то Аюми на эту должность и не претендует.)



Aoyagi Ritsuka
1.Аюми не Сеймей, далеко не Сеймей...
2.Позволю себе встречный вопрос: если бы Соби не стал добровольно подчиняться, смог бы Рицка (канонный Рицка) его "подогнуть под себя"? С его-то комплексами? Весьма сомнительно...
3. Вы, видимо, невнимательно читали анкету: к моменту образования Пары Боец Юми уже 5 лет как не учился в школе ВС. А Юми - девочка скрытная...

Sagan Nagisa
Претендую на должность преподавателя зарубежной истории. А функции психолога готова выполнять на общественных началах, из чистого альтруизма.

[Провокация конфликта, удалено. - Сеймей]

Уважаемый Aoyagi Seimei,
не могли бы Вы, учитывая вышесказанное, пояснить, чем вызвано такое, мягко говоря, пристальное внимание к моей анкете?

Отредактировано Ito Ayumi (2012-10-23 23:05:00)



Ito Ayumi написал(а):

Я внимательно прочитала все правила и необходимые разделы, особенно раздел Акции, но нигде не нашла оснований для подобного отношения к (я полагаю) рядовой анкете.

К сожалению, недостаточно внимательно. Давать или не давать пробный пост или отыгрыш - целиком на совести принимающего, это следует из правил (там, правда, описывается частный случай) и шаблона анкеты.
В целом, мне несколько странен сам факт подобного разбора. Вы не являетесь действующим игроком и, следовательно, не можете разбирать чужие анкеты. Кроме того, сам разбор показался мне... не самым обоснованным, мягко говоря.

Ito Ayumi написал(а):

не могли бы Вы, учитывая вышесказанное, пояснить, чем вызвано такое, мягко говоря, пристальное внимание к моей анкете?

Тем, что вашу анкету разбираю я, а я дотошен.
Тем, что ваша анкета не вызывает восторга ни у одного из членов админ-состава. Даже просто принятия - не вызывает.
Тем, что она кажется нам довольно слабой и по содержанию, и по форме.
На мой взгляд, этого вполне достаточно.

Я не знаю вас, поэтому никаких предубеждений против вас лично у меня нет. Я вижу текст - вашу анкету - и он мне не нравится. И это всё.
Никаких тайных замыслов.)

Не могу не заметить, что обсуждение действий администрации - в данной теме и данной ситуации - являются флудом. Мне кажется, я объяснил всё достаточно внятно, но если у вас остались вопросы - вам доступны личные сообщения, да и моя аська висит в "шапке" форума.
Но я бы всё же рекомендовал заняться непосредственно анкетой.)



Ito Ayumi написал(а):

1.Аюми не Сеймей, далеко не Сеймей...
2.Позволю себе встречный вопрос: если бы Соби не стал добровольно подчиняться, смог бы Рицка (канонный Рицка) его "подогнуть под себя"? С его-то комплексами? Весьма сомнительно...
3. Вы, видимо, невнимательно читали анкету: к моменту образования Пары Боец Юми уже 5 лет как не учился в школе ВС. А Юми - девочка скрытная...

1. Вот именно, что не Сеймей. Сеймей гораздо сильнее в эмоциональном плане, и все равно, думаю, разорви он Связь с Нисеем, хотя он не совсем дурак и делать этого не станет, ему все равно будет плохо. И тянуть будет. Ну это так, не самое важное, что тянуть, но серьезно на психике бы отразилось.
2. Соби и не подчиняется до конца, и Рицка, несмотря на то, что Связи нет, все равно за него переживает, бегает и ищет его и орет за непослушание и вранье.
Но у него даже в мыслях нет отказаться от Агацумы, о чем он говорит всем, кто приходит за ним из Лун.
3. Я читал Вашу анкету, честно говоря, через строчку, потому что там СЛИШКОМ много всего и читать это еще и внимательно не интересно. Однако то, что у вас разница в возрасте уловить успел. НО даже несмотря на то, что Ваш Боец выпустился, наблюдение вестись будет, ведь Вы такая способная и подающая надежды.

Ой, как не хорошо, приходя на форум, тыкать админам в то, что "у него анкета дерьмо, но она без пробника, а у меня конфетка, но вы придрались"...



Ito Ayumi
вам не приходило в голову, что иногда пишут персонажа под кого-то конкретного? Порой, и это нигде не оговорено, если уважаемая администрация уже знает игрока (по другим ролевым или каким-либо другим образом) и знает его уровень игры, то наличие пробного поста не обязательно? Вы можете возмутиться, что это не честно и так далее... Все на усмотрение администрации, разве нет?

Ito Ayumi написал(а):

а) в игру жизненно необходим недоучившийся журналист с завышенными социальными притязаниями. Странно. Не канон и не ключевой персонаж...

в игру жизненно необходим персонаж, написанный для другого персонажа. Будь он хоть дворником или бомжом. И это, как мне кажется, не странно. И так далее по списку...

Предполагаю, что получу по ушам за то, что фактически флужу, но у меня есть что ответить по каждому из пунктов, которые возмутили Аюми. Если любопытно - разберем их посредством ЛС.

Прошу прощения у администрации, но это был крик души.



Все крики души и иже с ними на будущее - в ЛС.
Я напоминаю, что данная тема предназначена для обсуждения анкет, ожидающих принятия, а не для разбора тех, что уже приняты. И уж тем более не для выяснения отношений.



Aoyagi Ritsuka

Aoyagi Ritsuka написал(а):

Ой, как не хорошо, приходя на форум, тыкать админам в то, что "у него анкета дерьмо, но она без пробника, а у меня конфетка, но вы придрались"...

1. Цитирую:

Akame Nisei написал(а):

Администрация, увы не всевидящая, а пользователям в анкетах высказываться запрещено правилами. Если Вы увидели какие-то недочеты, что пропустили проверяющие - смело пишите об этом в данную тему.
Никто никого за это не съест.

2. К своим текстам всегда отношусь адекватно и, как правило, шедеврами их не считаю. Но когда вижу, что анкета явно слабее моей...

Aoyagi Seimei
1. Если бы так же дотошно разбирались ВСЕ поступающие на форум анкеты, никаких вопросов к Вам не возникало бы.


Aoyagi Seimei написал(а):

Тем, что ваша анкета не вызывает восторга ни у одного из членов админ-состава. Даже просто принятия - не вызывает.

Ну, это-то с самого начала было понятно. Изначально все основные замечания по моей анкете содержательно были "высосаны из пальца". Сразу сложилось впечатление, что придирались исключительно чтобы придраться. А дальнейшее совершенно предсказуемо)) Админ-группа, накосячив, всеми силами пытается "сохранить лицо".
Собственно, Вы - единственный, кто среди всех оказался вменяемым. Но (я прекрасно понимаю это) корпоративная солидарность...

Hiroyuki Seidzi написал(а):

Порой, и это нигде не оговорено, если уважаемая администрация уже знает игрока (по другим ролевым или каким-либо другим образом) и знает его уровень игры, то наличие пробного поста не обязательно?

А почему бы не указать, это в принятой анкете? И от вас не убудет, и другим будет понятно...



NFTs are various from ERC-20 tokens, which include DAI or Url, in that each specific token is totally distinctive and is not divisible. NFTs give the chance to assign or assert ownership of any special bit of digital knowledge, trackable by utilizing Ethereum's blockchain like a general public ledger.

Developments of greener possibilities are ongoing, but whilst bitcoin continues to dominate cryptocurrencies, this process that is certainly so dangerous into the surroundings is proving unavoidable for any designers wishing to market their art as NFTs.

Your reserve price will have to meet before collectors might bid. To begin the Auction, the Preliminary give needs to be put in within just 24 hrs.

NFTs electric power a whole new creator financial state the place creators Really don't hand ownership of their articles above on the platforms they use to publicise it. Ownership is baked into your content itself.

The decreasing price auction is a great way to hold individuals thinking about your token. They will Test back over the item to view If your price has dropped lessen or if another person has snagged the token. In the event the price continues to drop, anyone is more likely to pick up the token.

No Reserve Auction – A no reserve auction is gutsy. You go in without price issue and find out the amount the people would like to purchase your art. This is a good choice for an established artist who knows what their parts will bring but of venture for an unknown young artist.

Reply Martin Jun 4 2021 The best article about NFT I’ve read. I do know Certainly very little about crypto, but I understood it with no challenge. Big up to the author!

Regardless if you are advertising an NFT you created or ones stored in your collection, the procedure is similar and straightforward.

Though There may be not Considerably details accessible in the general public area, the collection has 3D Hapes that appears promising like a PFP NFT. You could find the vast majority of challenge info on its Discord channel accompanied by Twitter.

Transaction historical past and token metadata is publicly verifiable – It truly is easy to demonstrate ownership heritage.

The approaches available to you to definitely provide your NFT arrives down to private preference. Opt for a platform that provides the type of sale you predict and is a snap to maneuver. If dealing with a group, hold their passions in your mind.

Rather, you can check out Polygon, Immutatate, or Tezos. Quite a few of these blockchains have really very low Electrical power consumption and gasless transactions. I'd advise examining up on Just about every of these blockchains to ensure you make the best conclusion. 

Another solution should be to Select a declining price auction. This way, the marketplace will proceed to drop the price till somebody agrees to buy it. 

You’ll need a digital wallet to store your cryptocurrency tokens. As outlined above, not all wallets function with each individual marketplace, nevertheless. So, make positive you’ve checked out the compatibility prior to deciding to soar straight in. 



TeleTrade Review 2022
Learn more about TeleTrade.
TeleTrade Rated 2/5 ?????
TeleTrade Review by Andrew Blumer and Mark Hansen last updated on October 11, 2022
HomeReviewsTeleTrade Review
TeleTrade Guide - Read our In Depth 2022 TeleTrade Review
This TeleTrade review was written by industry experts with over 20 years of financial experience in Forex trading, Spread Betting, Social trading, Share Dealing.

Benefits of Trading with TeleTrade
TeleTrade Review 2022 Quick Summary
?? Min Deposit 100
???>? Used By 50,000 TeleTrade users and traders
?? Founded 2008
?? HQ Cyprus
???>? Regulation Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)
?? Excluded Countries TeleTrade is not available in the following countries :
Your capital is at risk

If TeleTrade does not match your requirements, you can look at an some TeleTrade alternatives by clicking here.
Learn more about XTB. XTB matches your criteria. Read our XTB Review here
Learn more about eToro. eToro matches your criteria. Read our eToro Review here
Learn more about Avatrade. Avatrade matches your criteria. Read our Avatrade Review here

learn more Learn more about IC Markets. Losses can exceed deposits
What is TeleTrade?
TeleTrade are a global online financial trading platform and multi asset broker founded in 2008

Over 14 years later TeleTrade has grown to offering retail investors Forex trading, Spread Betting trading, Social trading, and Share Dealing trading.

TeleTrade are a global broker. TeleTrade have a head office in Cyprus.

When trading in the financial markets it can be very time consuming to find a broker that meets your needs.

We will dive deep in this TeleTrade review and assess how well the TeleTrade platform functions in its role as an international multiple financial asset trading platform for traders in 2022.

Often you have to visit and read many broker websites all of which have different uses of language. The wording can be very confusing. Choosing an online broker like TeleTrade can be difficult. For a beginner, the first few hurdles can come in the form of what appears to be a complex mobile or online trading platform, hard to understand investment terminology and confusing fee structures. In our review of TeleTrade we breakdown the pros and cons. What TeleTrade are able to offer, what countries TeleTrade are available in. Who TeleTrade are regulated by and more.

TeleTrade Review Screenshot
Having a reliable and capable broker is crucial to your success in online trading. Make sure that your broker is not fake or unreliable to avoid losing your investment. In order for you to have a good working profitable relationship, ensure that your needs fit the profile of your broker as well.

This is why we have taken the time to review only the best brokerage firms, their practices, their fee structure and all other important aspects. We want you to evaluate, analyse, and trust your hard-earned cash with only the safest and best of brokers. We hope you find this TeleTrade review useful.

This review of the TeleTrade platform is very detailed. If you are interested in trading with TeleTrade in any capacity please take the time to read and research the whole TeleTrade review.

We have tried to explain the ins and outs of financial trading through the TeleTrade platform as plainly as possible so that you the trader are as informed as possible before you start to use the TeleTrade trading tools and depositing and withdrawing funds from TeleTrade.

Investing online can be just as risky as any other kind of offline investment. As with any investment, it is important to know and research the company you are dealing with. When trading financial assets with TeleTrade like Forex trading, Spread Betting trading, Social trading, and Share Dealing trading. You should have confidence in TeleTrade and know that the management of your financial investments on the TeleTrade platform are in good hands.

At the bottom of this TeleTrade review you can also learn about some pretty good alternatives to TeleTrade

With this TeleTrade review we hope to help you see if TeleTrade is a good fit for you.

It is a common myth that online trading is easy. Online trading is difficult and traders must do their own research and have a clear understanding of what they are doing. In this article, you will learn important information regarding TeleTrade that will help you get off to a good start in the world of online trading.

TeleTrade Review Table of Contents

TeleTrade Review
TeleTrade is a Multi Assets Trading Platform with over 221+ Assets
Features of TeleTrade
TeleTrade review what you should know
Are TeleTrade safe?
What we like about TeleTrade
What we don't like about TeleTrade
TeleTrade Pros and Cons
TeleTrade Regulation and Licensing in more detail
Is TeleTrade Global?
TeleTrade Awards
TeleTrade Fees Explained
TeleTrade Minimum Deposit
TeleTrade Withdrawal Fees
TeleTrade Inactivity Fees
TeleTrade Deposit Fees
TeleTrade Commissions
What can you trade with TeleTrade?
Trading on TeleTrade web platforms and other applications
Is the TeleTrade trading platform secure?
TeleTrade Trading Platform Options
TeleTrade Trading with Metatrader 4 (MT4)
TeleTrade Trading benefits
TeleTrade Accounts offered
Can I try TeleTrade?
TeleTrade withdrawl and funding methods
TeleTrade Payment Methods
How can I start trading with TeleTrade?
Performing trades with TeleTrade?
CFD Trading on TeleTrade
TeleTrade Negative Balance Protection Explained
Education resources at TeleTrade?
Customer Support at TeleTrade?
Does TeleTrade Support LiveChat?
Does TeleTrade Offer Email Support?
Does TeleTrade Offer Phone Support?
What you will need to open an account with TeleTrade?
TeleTrade Explainer Video
Is TeleTrade A Good Broker?
TeleTrade not quite right? checkout these alternatives
Related TeleTrade Vs Comparisons
TeleTrade Frequently Asked Questions
TeleTrade review
TeleTrade is a Multi-Assets Trading Platform with over 221+ Assets
Learn more about TeleTrade.TeleTrade is a multi asset platform with 221+ tradable Assets. Assets available on TeleTrade include Forex trading, Spread Betting, Social trading, Share Dealing.

TeleTrade trades in multiple financial asset types. A financial asset is any security or asset that has financial value attached, tangible or intangible. This means that Forex trading, Spread Betting, Social trading, Share Dealing are considered financial assets.

Features of TeleTrade
Virtual Portfolio, or what is commonly known as a Demo Account
Social Trading available
Copy Trading available
TeleTrade offers Advanced Financial Chart comparison tools
TeleTrade offers Research-backed analysis on financial markets and investments from top analysts
The TeleTrade platform is available to use on multiple devices including and online through a Web Browser.
TeleTrade offers an easy to use trading platform with tools for both New Traders and Seasoned Experts
TeleTrade users benefit from using the TeleTrade platform in over 15 different languages
TeleTrade review
What you should know
TeleTrade offer four ways to trade: Forex trading, Spread Betting, Social trading, Share Dealing. The assets and products available to you on the TeleTrade trading platform depend on the region of the world you are in and what entity you have an account with.

With TeleTrade you will need a minimum deposit of $100. You can sign up for a demo account to acquaint yourself with TeleTrade platform.

TeleTrade are able to accommodate various levels of traders whether you are experienced or a beginner.

Are TeleTrade safe?
When choosing a broker like TeleTrade the administrative body and regulatory status of the broker is very important. Brokers who conduct trades without supervision of a regulatory body do so at their own discretion. Any capital you invest is at risk.

Established in 2008, and in operation for 14 years TeleTrade have a head office in Cyprus.

TeleTrade is regulated. This means TeleTrade are supervised by and is checked for conduct by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) regulatory bodies.

Regulated brokers are highly unlikely to manipulate market prices due to the regulations imposed. When you send in a withdrawal request to TeleTrade, this will be honored. If TeleTrade violate any regulatory rules their regulated status could be stripped.

Your capital is at risk

Is my money safe with TeleTrade?
Any payments funded to TeleTrade accounts by traders are held in a segregated bank account.

For added security TeleTrade use tier-1 banks for this. Tier 1 is the official measure of a banks financial health and strength.

What are Tier 1 banks and why should TeleTrade use them?
A Tier 1 bank is considered the safest and most secure regarding client capital. Tier 1 is actually a term describing the financial strength of a bank. A Tier 1 bank has strong core capital reserves and are typically able to withstand unexpected losses.

What does it mean to have your funds in TeleTrade deposited in a Tier 1 bank?
Having any money you deposit with TeleTrade means that your funds are kept in a bank that has enough capital to accommodate your withdrawal wishes even if TeleTrade goes out of business for some reason.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that TeleTrade is reasonably secure and safe.

That said, please note that you can lose funds when trading in financial assets. Accounts can lose money due to either not putting enough effort into researching the markets, lack of experience or not using the tools provided by the brokerage platform.

While trading in financial investments, losing money rapidly due to trading Forex trading, Spread Betting, Social trading, Share Dealing is not uncommon. Only take the risk of trading when you understand that your invested capital is at risk any time due to market volatility. TeleTrade also clearly state on their platform that Your capital is at risk.

Now that we have answered some important questions regarding TeleTrade. let us look at the TeleTrade features in more detail.

Try creating two accounts when you are working with TeleTrade. One is the real account, with your real money and the other is your demo account. The demo account is your experimental account.

Open a demo account Visit TeleTrade

Your capital is at risk
Full disclosure: We may receive a commission if you sign up with a broker using one of our links.

How TeleTrade as a Company Compare Against Other Brokers
Broker teletradeClick to learn more about TeleTrade IC MarketsClick to learn more about IC Markets RoboforexClick to learn more about Roboforex eToroClick to learn more about eToro
Year Established 2008 2007 2009 2007
Head Office Cyprus Australia Cyprus Cyprus, UK
Regulation Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Financial Services Authority (FSA), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Used By 50,000+ TeleTrade users 180,000+ IC Markets users 10,000+ Roboforex users 27,000,000+ eToro users
Negative balance protection Yes Yes No Yes
Guaranteed Stop Loss Yes No No No
Learn More
Risk Warning Your capital is at risk Losses can exceed deposits Losses can exceed deposits 78% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.
TeleTrade review
TeleTrade Pros and Cons
What we like about TeleTrade
Used by over 50,000 TeleTrade users and traders
TeleTrade have an office open to the public in every country where they operate.
TeleTrade have a have a REAL ecn account.
TeleTrade offer customers a free signal service (telegram channel) and live webinar twice a day.
Established in 2008
Regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)
Min. deposit from $100
What we don't like about TeleTrade
Not FCA Regulated (See alternatives)
TeleTrade review
TeleTrade Regulation and Licensing in more detail
We have checked and TeleTrade is regulated and supervised by reputable organisations. You are able to check every TeleTrade supervisory and regulatory body given below. Regulation gives you some recourse for those who have issues with TeleTrade. Regulatory authorities protect the traders with things like reimbursement schemes that regain the client's investment in the event the broker becomes insolvent.

The brokerage firms have to comply with a variety of rules and criteria that is determined by the jurisdiction’s regulatory authorities, in order to stay licensed and continue operations in those jurisdictions. The whole notion of regulation is to protect TeleTrade traders and provide safer a trading environment. Financial regulation and license approval is essential.

Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)
Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)
TeleTrade is regulated, governed and supervised by reputable financial regulatory bodies. Regulatory bodies monitor the behavior of the brokers and if things go wrong they will take necessary action. Before trading online with a broker such as TeleTrade you should be sure they're legitimate online agent.

Is TeleTrade Global?
Yes, TeleTrade is global as TeleTrade is available in over 193 countries.

TeleTrade is a global trading platform in the sense that it operates in 193 countries including nations in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Europe. Major countries TeleTrade covers include the UK, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, the United States and China. TeleTrade has a total of more than 50,000 users.

TeleTrade review
TeleTrade Awards
TeleTrade have won numerious industry awards over the 14 years they have been operating as a financial broker. We have listed the most notable awards and mentions for TeleTrade below.

Capital Finance International Best Forex Broker Europe 2017 Winner
Global Banking & Finance Review Best CFD Broker Europe 2015 Winner
Global Banking & Finance Review Best Forex Customer Service Broker Europe 2015 Winner
International Finance Magazine Best Trading Education Provider Europe 2014 Winner
Global Banking & Finance Review Best Trading Platform Southern Europe 2014
ForexShow United Arab Emirates exhibtion Most Trusted Forex Broker 2013 Winner
Banker Magazine Expert in Financial Markets 2013 Winner
Forex Expo Awards Broker of the Year 2010 Winner
TeleTrade review
TeleTrade Fees Explained
TeleTrade withdrawal fees varies on payment method
TeleTrade does charge a fee for inactive accounts.
TeleTrade doesn't charge deposit fees.
Brokers offer state of the art online trading platforms, mobile trading apps, financial research tools and educational resources. For a brokerage to maintain these services and earn revenue as a company. Brokers may charge clients various trading fees that you need to be aware of as they may affect your bottom line.

How TeleTrade Fees Compare Against Other Brokers
Broker teletradeClick to learn more about TeleTrade IC MarketsClick to learn more about IC Markets RoboforexClick to learn more about Roboforex eToroClick to learn more about eToro
Min Deposit 100 200 1 50
Withdrawal Fees varies No Yes Yes
Inactivity Fees Yes No No Yes
Deposit Fees No Varies No No
CFD Commission Fees No Yes No Yes
TeleTrade Minimum Deposit
TeleTrade require a minimum deposit of 100 GBP/USD/EUR when opening an TeleTrade trading account.

A minimum deposit is the minimum amount of money required by TeleTrade to open a new online brokerage account with them.

Don't be scared off by brokers like TeleTrade charging a minimum deposit to open a trading account. Brokers that charge higher minimum deposits often offer additional premium services on their platforms that are not available for free on other platforms.

Brokers that offer lower minimum deposits are generally geared towards a more mainstream audience that do not require some of the more advanced features and research tools.

Brokers that do not charge minimum deposits do so usually to attract new customers. They have to make returns some way, so transaction commissions and other trading fees may be higher with a low minimum deposit account.

Brokers that require a larger minimum deposit amount usually offer a greater range of trading features on their platforms. These brokers often have more in depth technical analysis and research tools and better risk management features.

As more and more online trading platforms have entered the market, minimum deposit requirements to open a live trading account have gone down as an increasing number of brokers compete for new clients.

Depending on the type of trading account you opt for some brokers require a minimum deposit as high as 6500 GBP/USD. Some brokers can go as high as 10,000 GBP/USD.

TeleTrade Withdrawal Fees
TeleTrade withdrawal fees vary depending on your selected withdrawal payment method.

Each broker has their own specific withdrawal rules on how your funds can be withdrawn from your trading accounts.

This is because each brokerage firm will have different withdrawal methods and each payment provider may have differing transfer processing fees, processing times and a potential currency conversion fee. The Conversion fee is dependant on your base currency, your receiving currency and your payment provider.

For example TeleTrade allows you to withdraw your funds to MoneyBookers, Skrill, Visa, Mastercard, Neteller, Internal Transfer, China Unionpay.

TeleTrade Inactivity Fees
TeleTrade does charge a fee for inactive accounts.

An account inactivity fee is a fee charged to the registered brokerage client.

Brokers may have certain trading activity requirements that under the terms and conditions of the accounts and clients may have to fulfill.

If a clients trading account does not have any buying and selling over a period of time as dictated by the broker an inactivity fee may be due.

Inactivity fees are not specific to online trading accounts. Many financial service companies may charge inactivity fees. Please check on the brokers website and make sure you are aware of and are happy with all the services and fees you may be charged.

If you are no longer using your trading account close it with the brokers customer support. And make sure you have a confirmation that any remaining fees are not due.

Depending on the type of account you have signed up for you can only be charged an inactivity fee under certain circumstances. As part of a brokers regulation they are required to clearly disclose any inactivity fees.

Some brokerage firms may charge inactivity fees as compensation for maintaining your account on their expensive trading platforms, in an attempt to claw back revenue for the lack of commission fees from your trading.

TeleTrade Deposit Fees
TeleTrade does not charge deposit fees. Although bank / 3rd party merchant fees may apply.

You must always review deposit fees as some brokers may charge a fee when you deposit funds from your payment method to your trading account. This is because the payment method which you use to fund your account may accrue a fee.

The fee may be a fixed fee when you deposit a specific fiat currency to your account. For example fees are known to be high when depositing funds from a credit card. This is if your broker accepts funding your account via a credit card.

TeleTrade Commission Fees
TeleTrade does not charge commission on CFD instruments.

A broker may charge a commission fee as a service charge for facilitating the buying and selling of financial assets through your trading account.

A brokerage may make most of their revenue from charging registered traders a commission fee on client transactions.

Commission fees can differ depending on the trading type, financial asset type and what level of trading account you have.

Broker commissions are charged if the brokerage fulfills an order, cancels an order or modifies and order on your behalf.

If a market order is not fulfilled by your brokerage usually no commission is charged.

Be aware that if your order is modified or canceled, your brokerage may charge a commission fee.

TeleTrade review
What can you trade with TeleTrade?
Be aware that different entities under the TeleTrade Brand offer different trading instruments due to regulatory restrictions. Trading instruments offered may differ based on the country of residence of the Client and the entity that holds the customer account. Additionally, the trading instruments offered by TeleTrade may vary depending on the trading platform you choose to trade with.

You can trade a wide variety of instruments with TeleTrade over 221 instruments infact.

If you are looking for Forex brokers to trade currency pairs on global Forex markets TeleTrade offer over 60 currency pairs.

Compare TeleTrade with IC Markets and Roboforex below.

Your capital is at risk
How TeleTrade Trading Options Compare Against Other Brokers
Broker teletradeClick to learn more about TeleTrade IC MarketsClick to learn more about IC Markets RoboforexClick to learn more about Roboforex eToroClick to learn more about eToro
Instruments Available 221 2250 100 2000
Platforms MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps (Ios & Android) MT4, MT5, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, cTrader, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, cTrader, Tablet & Mobile apps Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
FX / Currencies
Forex pairs offered 60 61 35 50
Major Forex pairs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Minor Forex pairs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exotic Forex pairs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cryptocurrencies (availability subject to regulation) Yes Yes No Yes
Commodity CFDs
Commodities Offered 10 20 21 31
Metals Yes Yes Yes Yes
Energies Yes Yes No Yes
Agricultural No Yes No Yes
Indiced & Stock CFDs
Stocks Offered 200 2100 0 2042
UK Shares Yes Yes Yes Yes
US Shares Yes Yes Yes Yes
German Shares No Yes Yes Yes
Japanese Shares No Yes Yes Yes
Risk Warning
Your capital is at risk
Losses can exceed deposits
Losses can exceed deposits
78% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.
TeleTrade review
Trading on TeleTrade web platforms and other applications
TeleTrade offer the popular MT4 forex trading platform. To see a list of the top MT4 brokers, see our comparison of MT4 brokers.

TeleTrade also offer mobile apps for Android and iOS, making it easier to keep an eye on and execute your trades while you’re on the move.

See TeleTrade's platforms
Is the TeleTrade Trading Platform Secure?
TeleTrade safeguards the personal information of its clients through SSL encryption in its PC and mobile platforms. TeleTrade also urges its clients through its web platform to always look for the SSL security sign (a lock sign) on the browser while operating TeleTrade.

TeleTrade Trading Platform Options
Once you have logged into your TeleTrade account you will see the below trading platform options available to you.

MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
TeleTrade does not offer the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform. If you are looking for a online platform that does support MT5 click here

TeleTrade does not offer the cTrader trading platform. You can find a broker that supports cTrader here

Lets explore each of these trading platforms in detail and what options TeleTrade gives you.

TeleTrade review
TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
TeleTrade MetaTrader 4

MetaTrader 4, also known as MT4, is one of the most popular trading platforms available and has been in active use on financial markets since 2005. The MetaTrader 4 software delivers a feature-rich, user-friendly interface, and an extremely customisable trading environment, designed to fulfill all of your trading needs and boost your trading performance. Charting functionality and advanced order management tools.

Understand that the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform was developed primarily to trade Forex, but you can also trade other types of financial instruments through CFDs and Spread Betting. You will not be able to trade Stocks, Indices, Commodities, ETFs, Futures on any MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform unless they are CFD contracts or Spread bets. You will not own any underlying assets with CFDs or Spread bets as you are speculating on price movements with TeleTrade. You can learn more about the MT4 Platform here.

You can start using the MetaTrader 4 platform with TeleTrade in multiple formats including through an online web platform, Through a downloadable application for Windows PC's and Apple Macintosh computers. TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 is compatible with the latest macOS Mojave. TeleTrade allows traders to trade on mobile devices through Android and iOS devices like the iPhone.

Metatrader 4 Webtrader on TeleTrade
MetaTrader 4 is the most popular trading platform in the world as most and more traders begin to trade online Metatrader 4 is available as a web based application available through your web browser. MetaTrader 4 web software provides the same easy to use performance as the desktop version using advanced charting, a highly customisable trading environment, easy to access online trading tools and many different indicators. You can enjoy our Raw Pricing trading environment without a Dealing Desk from anywhere in the world.

Trade TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 on iOS Devices
You can download the TeleTrade app or also trade with TeleTrade through the MetaTrader 4 application on the Apple app store.

Download the Metaquotes MetaTrader 4 Program for free of charge from Apple's App Store. TeleTrade customers have instant access to this Financial markets, with the ability to completely manage a Portfolio on the go.

Trade TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 on Android Devices
Andorid mobile devices and tablets are used by millions of people globally. TeleTrade provides its clients access to the MetaTrader 4 platform on Android supported devices so that customers can monitor the financial marketplace and trade directly from their Android-based Smartphones and tablets. The Android TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 Android application enable traders to make the most of multiple advanced trading features which enables them to monitor and trade Forex quickly on the go, simply and securely.

Trade TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 Trading Central
Trading Centrals Alpha Generation Indicators is a Bundle of three Major indicators including:

Analyst Perspectives - A go-to resource for leadership and key levels.
Adaptive Candlesticks - Identifies chart patterns which illustrate important changes in demand and supply.
Adaptive Divergence Convergence (ADC) - Much like MACD however useful at shorter lengths and provides more timely signs.
TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 Advanced Trading Tools
The TeleTrade advanced trading tools for MetaTrader 4 are aimed at improving the total trading experience and providing traders with a competitive advantage. TeleTrade offers access to 20 exclusive tools which includes feature rich trade execution & management programs, sophisticated notification alarms, messaging facilities, innovative market data & more.

Trade TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal
MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal provides a intuitive easy to use dashboard where traders can administer and supervise several trading accounts. MultiTerminal will let you manage over 100 Accounts simultaneously allowing you to place market orders, pending orders, view live market prices and track all accounts and equity at real time. All Trading accounts must be in on the same MetaTrader server. MultiTerminal doesn't support Automated Trading scripts like Expert Advisors.

TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 AutoChartist
TeleTrade Autochartist provides the world's first Market Scanner available for MT4 using a non-trading Expert Advisor script. Scan markets for trading opportunities while viewing all symbols and time intervals from a single graph. Gone are the days of launching a lot of graphs on which you can't remember which currency you're taking a look at. Autochartist offers a simple user interface that can be customized to suite how you like to trade.

TeleTrade Trading benefitsAllows scalpingAllows hedgingOffers STPLow min depositGuaranteed stop lossOffers Negative Balance ProtectionTeleTrade Trading Accounts Offered
Below we give an overview on the account types that TeleTrade offer. Whatever you are looking to trade the varying TeleTrade account types will be able to provide you with what you need.

Demo accountMicro accountStandard accountZero spread accountECN accountSTP accountCan I try TeleTrade?
TeleTrade offer a demo account so you can try before putting down funding payments. Open a practice account & learn to trade

Your capital is at risk

TeleTrade withdrawal and funding methods
Please note that the list of TeleTrade payment methods below depend on the TeleTrade Entity and the Clients Country of Residence.

All available TeleTrade payment methods available to you can be found in your TeleTrade members area checked on the TeleTrade website.

TeleTrade offer the below funding payment methods. You can use any of the below deposit options if available in your region. learn more about TeleTrade

TeleTrade Payment MethodsTeleTrade accepts MoneyBookersTeleTrade accepts SkrillTeleTrade accepts VisaTeleTrade accepts MastercardTeleTrade accepts NetellerTeleTrade accepts Internal TransferTeleTrade accepts China Unionpay
Broker teletradeClick to learn more about TeleTrade IC MarketsClick to learn more about IC Markets RoboforexClick to learn more about Roboforex eToroClick to learn more about eToro
Bank transfer No Yes Yes Yes
Credit Cards No Yes Yes Yes
Paypal No Yes No Yes
Skrill Yes Yes Yes Yes
Payoneer No No Yes No
Neteller Yes Yes Yes Yes
*please note available TeleTrade and other broker payment methods depend on the clients country of residence.

How can I start trading with TeleTrade?
When opening a trading account with TeleTrade, you will need to sign up here. Once you have received your login details by email, submitted your identification documents for account validation, and made a deposit; the next step is to download the trading platform of your choice. You can find detailed guidance on TeleTrade trading platforms here. You will need to provide some basic documentation to prove your identity as part of TeleTrade onboarding and normal KYC identity checks. These checks are standard practice and help TeleTrade provide a safe financial environment for their 50,000 users.

Your capital is at risk

Performing trades with TeleTrade
TeleTrade allow you to execute a minimum of trade of varies. This may vary depending on the account you open. TeleTrade allow you to execute a maxium trade of varies. As TeleTrade offer ECN and STP execution, you can expect very tight spreads with more transparency over the price you‘re paying to execute your trades.

As with most brokers, margin requirements do vary depending on the instruments.

CFD Trading on TeleTrade
let's take a look at some of the basics of using TeleTrade leverage.

TeleTrade offer CFD which are a leveraged product for this example we describe ten times leverage.

So you have a ten thousand dollar position but you only tie up a thousand dollars a tenth of the value on your account. You have a situation where a small sum of money is controlling a much bigger financial position. This is your leverage.

So what effect does leverage have on your profits and losses well put simply it magnifies them in both directions.

TeleTrade leverage magnifies both profits and losses when trading.

Let's say for example you buy/sell ten thousand dollars worth of General Electric (GE) using contracts for difference ( CFDs ) using the TeleTrade trading platform.

let's say General Electric (GE) rises 10% because its results are positive your position which was worth ten thousand dollars is now worth $11,000.

It's grown by $1000 10% in value this represents a hundred percent increase on the funds initially committed on your leverage CFD trade.

Our initital investment of ten thousand dollars for the trade and has made a thousand dollars in profit because the price is up ten percent.

The TeleTrade leverage goes both ways. If General Electric (GE) Falls 10% on week results your position which was worth ten thousand dollars is now worth only nine thousand dollars. It has fallen by a thousand dollars.

TeleTrade CFDs are typically used for short to medium term trades. For example TeleTrade intraday CFD trading. Although high risk because CFD trades are separate from the financial markets, a CFD trade can be more flexible than a traditional market trade where you own the underlying asset. CFD trades give access to CFD fractional shares, CFD international markets and CFD short selling. More advanced traders can also use CFDs to hedge.

Always be aware that CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Your capital is at risk

Limiting Your Risk When Trading with TeleTrade Negative Balance Protection
We should say something about negative balance protection with TeleTrade. When trading using leverage an adverse move could result in losing more than your trading account balance at TeleTrade. If your broker is regulated by the FCA Negative Balance Protection should be set in place by your broker as standard. Your TeleTrade account could potentially become negative. We recommend you making use of negative balance protection. Using negative balance protection ensures your losses will always be limited to the current balance of the money in your account.

Education Resources at TeleTrade
To trade effectively with TeleTrade, it's important to get a have a good understanding of the TeleTrade trading tools and the markets. Make sure you make full use of all education tools. This includes eduction tools with TeleTrade and externally.

TeleTrade offer a good selection of educational resources. Take your time, learn how the financial markets move. Take the time to learn how your trading platform works. Make buy/sell trades, learn how to take advantage of global trading times and most importantly learn how to mitigate and manage investing risk.

Having an analytical approach may be a good way to approach trading with TeleTrade.

Take time to look around the TeleTrade platforms and train yourself to think more systematically and logically about the markets. It's a new skill-set for many, but it is what the market requires of you.

Customer Support at TeleTrade
As part of our TeleTrade review we review customer service options, response times and TeleTrade trading platform problem resolution effectiveness.TeleTrade support a wide range of languages including English, Spanish, Czech, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian,Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian.

TeleTrade have a D grade support rating because because sometimes the response was slow or our query wasnt answered. TeleTrade less customer support features compared to other brokers like live chat, phone and email support. email support and supports a limited amount of Languages. Live chat support supports a limited amount of Languages. Phone support supports a limited amount of Languages.

Livechat Support at TeleTrade
We tested the TeleTrade live chat and it works well. We sent messages to TeleTrade livechat through their app and website and recieved a response within 20 minutes. Sometimes there was no response.

We tested communicating with TeleTrade support in multiple languages in multiple countries. TeleTrade where able to resolve our customer issues.

Email Support at TeleTrade
We sent several emails to TeleTrade and answer times overall were excellent. The fastest response from TeleTrade was 4 hours and the slowest response was 5 days. Sometimes there was no response. Support response times may vary for you with TeleTrade, but this was our experience sending 10 emails at varying times.

The team resolved and answered our queries. Overall average email support from TeleTrade.

Phone Support at TeleTrade
We called TeleTrade and the call was answered very quickly. The call was answered in less than 5-10 minutes.

The TeleTrade phone support team were able to successfuly answer our questions and issues over the phone. We tested the multilingual TeleTrade team by calling in varying languages. TeleTrade made an effort to make sure our queries were answered.

Overall the phone support from TeleTrade was okay.

See how TeleTrade Support Compares Against Other Brokers
Broker teletradeClick to learn more about TeleTrade IC MarketsClick to learn more about IC Markets RoboforexClick to learn more about Roboforex eToroClick to learn more about eToro
Live chat
Phone support
Email support
Live chat
Phone support
Email support
Live chat
Phone support
Email support
Live chat
Phone support
Email support
Languages English, Spanish, Czech, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian,Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian English, Japanese, Chinese, Polish, Afrikans, Danish, Dutch, German and more English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Indonesian, Malaysian, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Thai, Russian, and Ukrainian English, German, Spanish, French, Italian
Learn More
Risk Warning Your capital is at risk Losses can exceed deposits Losses can exceed deposits 78% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.
What you will need to open an account with TeleTrade
As TeleTrade is regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), every new client must pass a few basic compliance checks to ensure that you understand the risks of trading and are allowed to trade. When you open an account, you'll likely be asked for the following, so it's good to have these handy:

Be aware that the expiration date of Proof of address document for different entities under TeleTrade Brand may be different.
A scanned colour copy of your passport, driving license or national ID
A utility bill or bank statement from the past three months showing your address
You'll also need to answer a few basic compliance questions to confirm how much trading experience you have, so it's best to put aside at least 5 minutes or so to complete the account opening process.

While you might be able to explore TeleTrade's platform straight away, it's important to note that you won't be able to make any trades until you pass compliance, which can take up to several days, depending on your situation.

To start the process of opening an account with TeleTrade you can visit the TeleTrade trading platform here.

CFDs are leveraged products and can result in significant losses, excess of your invested capital. All trading involves risk. Only risk capital you're prepared to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
This post is for educational purposes and should not be considered as investment advice. All information collected from on October 11, 2022.

Watch this TeleTrade Explainer Video

Is TeleTrade A Good Broker?
We spent over 3 months examining TeleTrade in depth. Although we found some very useful aspects of the TeleTrade platform that would be useful to some traders, our overall our feeling is that you would be better served with an alternative to TeleTrade.

TeleTrade have a good track record of offering Forex trading, Spread Betting, Social trading, Share Dealing.
TeleTrade has a history of over 14 years.
TeleTrade has a reasonable sized customer support of at least 10.
TeleTrade are regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). This means TeleTrade fall under regulation from a jurisdiction that can hold a broker responsible for its misgivings; or at best play an arbitration role in case of bigger disputes.
TeleTrade have regulation from reputable regulators.
TeleTrade has the ability to get deposits and withdrawals processed within 2 to 3 days. This is important when withdrawing funds.
TeleTrade have an international presence in multiple countries. This includes local TeleTrade seminars and training.
TeleTrade are able to hire people from various locations in the world who can better communicate in your local language.
TeleTrade Risk Disclosure
Your capital is at risk

Trading Risk Disclaimer
Trading financial instruments including crpytocurrency and foreign currency markets come with a very high level of risk. In regards to leverage and margin based trading you will be exposed to a high risk of loss. Some financial instruments and derivatives that are off exchange may offer varying leverage and may have limited regulatory protection and high market volatility. It should never be presumed that any investment products, techniques, indicators or any other presented resources will result in profits. You should be aware that investing may result in financial loss.

TeleTrade not quite right?
If after reading this TeleTrade review, TeleTrade does not fulfill your needs check out these TeleTrade Alternatives.
Click here to view the best TeleTrade Alternatives

We have spent years researching the best alternatives to TeleTrade. Click the links below to learn more.
If you feel some of the above TeleTrade are not quiet what you are looking for or perhaps you would just like to see some alternatives. See our highly rated list of TeleTrade alternatives below.

IC Markets ReviewRoboforex RevieweToro ReviewXTB ReviewAvaTrade ReviewXM ReviewPepperstone ReviewFP Markets ReviewNordFX ReviewTrading 212 RevieweasyMarkets ReviewFxPro ReviewSpreadEx ReviewAdmiral Markets ReviewThinkMarkets ReviewHYCM ReviewAxitrader ReviewForexMart ReviewEightcap ReviewForTrade ReviewPhoenix Markets ReviewETFinance ReviewEZINVEST ReviewFXPrimus ReviewInteractive Brokers ReviewLondon Capital Group ReviewPlus500 ReviewForex.com Review
Related TeleTrade Vs Comparisons
We have covered allot in this TeleTrade review, If you want to see how TeleTrade compares side by side with other brokers check out our TeleTrade Vs pages.
If you would like to see how TeleTrade stands up against other brokers you can read some of our TeleTrade comparisons below. We compare side by side some of our top rated TeleTrade versus comparisons. Read our indepth TeleTrade VS pages below.

TeleTrade vs ICMarketsTeleTrade vs RoboforexTeleTrade vs eToroTeleTrade vs XTBTeleTrade vs AvaTradeTeleTrade vs XMTeleTrade vs PepperstoneTeleTrade vs FPMarketsTeleTrade vs NordFXTeleTrade vs Trading212TeleTrade vs easyMarketsTeleTrade vs FxProTeleTrade vs SpreadExTeleTrade vs AdmiralMarketsTeleTrade vs ThinkMarketsTeleTrade vs HYCMTeleTrade vs AxitraderTeleTrade vs ForexMartTeleTrade vs EightcapTeleTrade vs ForTradeTeleTrade vs PhoenixMarketsTeleTrade vs ETFinanceTeleTrade vs EZINVESTTeleTrade vs FXPrimusTeleTrade vs InteractiveBrokersTeleTrade vs LondonCapitalGroupTeleTrade vs Plus500TeleTrade vs Forex.com
TeleTrade review
TELETRADE Frequently Asked Questions
Read our detailed TeleTrade FAQ Section updated for 2022.

Can I try TeleTrade?
TeleTrade offer a demo account so you can try the TeleTrade platform with virtual trading before you put down a payment. Virtual trading with TeleTrade is zero risk.

What funding methods do TeleTrade accept?
Please note that the list of payment methods below depend on the TeleTrade Entity and the Clients Country of Residence.

TeleTrade offer the following funding payment methods MoneyBookers, Skrill, Visa, Mastercard, Neteller, Internal Transfer, China Unionpay, among other payment methods.

Your capital is at risk
Is TeleTrade safe?
TeleTrade are considered safe as they are regulated by and checked for conduct by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). Any payments funded to TeleTrade accounts by traders are held in a segregated bank account. For added security TeleTrade use tier-1 banks for this. Tier 1 is the official measure of a banks financial health and strength.

Your capital is at risk
Is TeleTrade trading good?
TeleTrade is considered good and reputable to trade with TeleTrade. TeleTrade is used by over 50,000 traders and TeleTrade users. TeleTrade offers Forex trading, Spread Betting trading, Social trading, and Share Dealing trading. Minimum deposit with TeleTrade is 100.

Is TeleTrade trading Legit?
TeleTrade was founded in Cyprus in 2008. TeleTrade has been facilitating trade on the financial markets for over 14 years. TeleTrade offers clients Forex trading, Spread Betting trading, Social trading, and Share Dealing trading. All funds deposited to TeleTrade are held in segregated bank accounts for security. TeleTrade is regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) so can be considered legit.

Is TeleTrade a good broker?
TeleTrade is overseen by the top tier financial regulators Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) so can be considered a good broker. TeleTrade allows Forex trading, Spread Betting trading, Social trading, and Share Dealing trading.

Is TeleTrade trustworthy broker?
TeleTrade can be considered trustworthy. All money funded to TeleTrade is placed into a segregated bank account. this means your money in not held by TeleTrade directly. The broker has no direct access to your funds so cannot misappropriate your money. Also TeleTrade is regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

What is the minimum deposit for TeleTrade?
The minimum deposit to trade with TeleTrade is 100.

How long do TeleTrade withdrawals take?
Withdrawing money from TeleTrade processing time varies depending on the method but averages 2-5 days.

Is TeleTrade regulated?
TeleTrade is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). Regulatory bodies conduct regular reviews and audits as part of TeleTrade maintaining their regulatory status. You can learn more about these reviews on the regulator websites.

Is TeleTrade a market maker?
TeleTrade is a not a market maker. A market maker speeds up trading as a market maker will purchase your stocks and commodities even is a buyer is not lined up.

How can I start trading with TeleTrade?
When opening a trading account with TeleTrade, you will need to sign up here. Once you have received your login details by email, submitted your identification documents for account validation, and made a deposit; the next step is to download the trading platform of your choice. You can find detailed guidance on TeleTrade trading platforms here.

Is my money safe with TeleTrade?
TeleTrade is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Markets In Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). One of the most important criteria for traders when choosing a broker like TeleTrade is the regulatory body and regulatory status of the broker. Brokers who conduct business without regulation do so at their own discretion and pose a direct risk to the security of their clients money.

Regulated brokers are highly unlikely to manipulate market prices due to the regulations imposed. When you send in a withdrawal request to TeleTrade, this will be honored. If they violate any regulatory rules their regulated status can be stripped.

Is TeleTrade a con?
TeleTrade is regulated and well established having been in business for over 14 years. TeleTrade is not a con.

Can you make money with TeleTrade?
Although traders have had great success with TeleTrade. Trading on the financial markets with TeleTrade is not a get rich scheme. If you educate yourself, practise with a demo account and carefully plan your trading your chance of success will greatly increase. Never trade with money you cannot afford to lose. Your capital is at risk.

Does TeleTrade have fees?
TeleTrade withdrawal fees varies on payment method.TeleTrade does charge a fee for inactive accounts. TeleTrade doesn't charge deposit fees.

When was TeleTrade founded?
TeleTrade was founded in 2008.

How many people use TeleTrade?
TeleTrade is used by over 50,000 registered TeleTrade users.

What is TeleTrade Headquarters country?
TeleTrade has its head quarters office in Cyprus .

Does TeleTrade offer negative balance protection?
TeleTrade offers negative balance protection. With Negative balance protection means traders cannot lose more money than they have deposited.

Does TeleTrade offer guaranteed stop loss?
TeleTrade offers guaranteed stop loss protection. With guaranteed stop loss protection risk is managed. Traders are guarenteed to close your trade at your specified price. Stop Loss orders are guaranteed only during market hours and under normal trading conditions.

Does TeleTrade allow scalping?
TeleTrade offers scalping.

Does TeleTrade allow hedging?
TeleTrade offers hedging.

Does TeleTrade offer CFD trading?
TeleTrade offers CFD trading.

Does TeleTrade offer STP?
TeleTrade offers STP trading.

How many people use TeleTrade?
TeleTrade is used by over 50000 TeleTrade users and traders.

Is TeleTrade an ECN broker?
TeleTrade offers ECN trading.

Does TeleTrade offer a demo account?
TeleTrade offers a demo account.

Does TeleTrade offer an Islamic account?
TeleTrade does not offer Islamic accounts.

What are the funding methods for TeleTrade?
Please note that funding methods and funding options available with TeleTrade can be found in the TeleTrade Members area and depend on the TeleTrade client’s country of residence. Please check your specific available payment methods on the TeleTrade website. TeleTrade accept the following funding methods : MoneyBookers, Skrill, Visa, Mastercard, Neteller, Internal Transfer, China Unionpay.

TeleTrade review written by Andrew Blumer and Mark Hansen
We hope you found our review of the TeleTrade brokerage firm useful.

This article was written by our financial editor Mark Hansen and Andrew Blumer.

Mark was previously of the Kiel Insitute and has worked with financial organisations across Europe, Australia, South East Asia, South Africa and the Middle East. Mark has over 15 years experience in financial analysis, forecasting, financial modeling idenifying new market opportunities in Stocks, CFD's, Forex and Commodities.

Andrew has a well-established career in fintech and came up with comparebrokers.co to make trading on financial markets more transparent and accessible.

Whether you want to trade Forex, Stocks, Commodities or Indices we will help you find the best online broker for you from 400+ brokers for clients based in the UK, Europe, Asia, South Africa and Australia.


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